November 26, 2020 •

• Reading time approximately 1 minute.

Take advantage of the eat-less-meat trend!

When larger groups are looking to order food, they want to choose a location where everyone can find dishes that meet their diets. If you don’t have vegetarian dishes on the menu, you might not just lose 1 order, but that of an entire group.

Attract new customers
Having vegetarian options means there is an extra reason for customers to look at your menu card. The rest of your menu, maybe even the dishes with meat, might get their attention for orders that follow.

Retain your customers
What if your loyal customers decide they want to eat less meat? You don’t want to lose them to a competitor, right?

‘Flexitarians’ on the rise
Flexitarians consciously decide to reduce their meat intake. The rise of the flexitarian diet is most likely the one to drive significant change in the market, compared to vegetarians and vegans. This means that your restaurant doesn’t have to become entirely vegan to benefit from the trend, it’s even better to offer both.