March 18, 2024 •

• Reading time approximately 2 minutes.

Grow your business with Takeaway marketing tools

Our range of marketing tools and products are designed to increase your visibility on [brand name], promote customer loyalty, and boost revenue for your business.

Being a [brand name] Partner gives you access to the thousands of customers who visit our platform daily. To increase your traffic even more, you can: – Encourage customer loyalty with StampCards – Boost your visibility with [TopRank/Promoted Placement] – Attract more customers with offers and discounts

Boost your visibility with TopRank
TopRank is our exclusive marketing tool that grows your orders effortlessly. Partners with TopRank campaigns receive on average xx more orders and enjoy greater brand visibility. When a customer searches for something to order, the results that first appear on our app are dependent on a number of factors, such as the business’s locations, their performance on [brand name], customer reviews, etc. With TopRank you can rank higher in customer search results and attract more new and returning customers. Turn TopRank off and on as needed – you decide the fee and time of day for visibility, and you only pay when you get orders. Start your campaign here [link to Partner Hub section]

Boost your visibility with Promoted Placement
When a customer searches for something to order, the results that first appear on our app are dependent on a number of factors, such as the business’s locations, their performance on [brand name], customer reviews, etc. With Promoted Placement you get more customers and orders by showing up in the ‘Promoted’ section when customers search on our app. Just pick the postcode areas you want more visibility in, and select a weekly budget for your Promoted Placement campaign. You only pay when a customer clicks on your menu, and you’ll receive personalised analytics to help you adjust your campaign at any time. Start your campaign here [link to Partner Hub section]

Encourage customer loyalty with StampCards
StampCards is a loyalty programme that helps you stand out from the competition and bring in more new and returning customers. The programme works by giving customers a stamp for every new order. Once they collect five stamps, they earn a discount voucher exclusive to your business. Opt in to StampCards here [link to Partner Hub section]

Attract more customers with offers and discounts
Improve visibility and drive traffic by showing up in the ‘offers’ section of the [brand name] app. You can set up custom discounts through your Partner Hub account [by asking your Account Manager or Customer Services to help you get started]. Whether it’s a local holiday, a popular sporting event, or you have new products to promote, you’re in full control of creating offers to boost sales. Create custom offers and discounts here [link to Partner Hub section]