November 26, 2020 •

• Reading time approximately 2 minutes.

Lunch Proof Your Menu and Benefit from Takeaway Pay

People are increasingly ordering their lunch through <brand name>. Both at work and at home. In fact: lunch is booming! Why not get in on the trend?

People eat about three meals a day. So why should you only deliver dinner? With good reason, chains like McDonald’s and Domino’s offer options such as the McBreakfast and lunch salads.

Deliveries to businesses, in particular, are on the rise. Join the action!
● The classic 30 minute to one hour lunch break is no longer standard everywhere. Nowadays, employees increasingly eat on the go in between work and meetings.

● The report ‘Tastes of the Times’ by research institute Technamics, published in 2018, shows that almost 40 percent of the millennials do not take lunch with them to work. Instead, they grab something or order food at work. There is a good chance that they do this through

Would you also like to take advantage of this growing lunch line? Add a bit of variety to your lunch menu. This will give consumers exactly what they are looking for: healthy and easy meals that fit in with their busy schedule.

Takeaway Pay: the replacement company canteen
Company canteens are costly, and the offerings can be disappointing to employees. With Takeaway Pay, offers companies the ideal solution. Curious how it works?

The company gives its employees a personal lunch budget. This they can spend via The advantage for the employees is that they can decide for themselves when, what and where to order. The advantage for the company is that they save money. Also, ‘free lunch’ is an effective way to attract new talent to your business.

Large companies such as Netflix, T-Mobile and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs already use Takeaway Pay. And the list is growing – just another reason for you to adopt an attractive lunch menu!

That’s how you put yourself on the (lunch) card!

You’ll be open before lunch
Most lunch orders are placed between 10.00 and 14.00 hours. Make sure you’re open so you don’t miss these extra orders.

Your menu is lunch proof
Offer typical lunch dishes such as sandwiches, salads and poké bowls. Lunch deals also do well.

Keep vegetarians and vegans in mind
More and more people eat no or less meat and fish. Or no animal products like eggs and dairy at all. Offer variety by providing something for everyone.

Your minimum order amount is low
An average, about € 7, – is spent on lunch. Don’t miss out on orders with a high minimum order amount.

Deliver for free
Customers also look at delivery costs. By delivering for free, you increase the chance that they will order their lunch from you.

Would you like personal advice on how to make your menu lunch proof? Or would you like to make changes to your menu directly? Then please contact Customer Service via <EMAIL>.